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China’s tourism industry has witnessed rapid progress in recent years, and is now an important part of global tourism in dealing with climate change. Within a framework of Pressure-State-Response (PSR), this paper focuses on the emission reduction pressure, carbon emission status, and responses of stakeholders in China’s tourism industry. Findings include: 1) The central government’s strategy and rapid growth of the industry scale exert rising pressure on China’s tourism to reduce carbon emissions. 2) Carbon emissions of China's tourism account for 13%-14.6% of global tourism, and about 3% of China’s emissions overall. Chinese tourists’ per capita carbon emission is lower than half of the global level. 3) The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy-saving and carbon emission reduction. In the tourism industry, documents, standards and other regulative measures have been issued to ensure that business practitioners set up green operational and managerial systems. In the field of tourism transportation, China's high-speed rail, new energy vehicles, and urban shared bicycles, have developed very rapidly in recent years, and they have effectively reduced the carbon emissions in traveling. Furthermore, this paper finds that Chinese tourists already have awareness and willingness for low-carbon tourism.  相似文献   
阿伯德尔国家公园位于号称肯尼亚“水塔”的阿伯德尔山脉上,是肯尼亚重要的旅游景区和珍稀动植物保护区,开展该地生态环境质量评价对肯尼亚水资源保护与可持续发展具有重要的意义。本研究基于1987-2018年的Landsat系列遥感数据,通过计算综合遥感生态指数RSEI,结合趋势线分析法对阿伯德尔国家公园近32年间生态环境质量变化进行客观定量分析。研究结果显示:① 1987-2018年研究区RSEI均值从0.62下降到0.51,生态环境质量退化的区域面积为551.52 km 2,占总面积的71.85%,表明在气候变化和人类活动影响下,1987-2018年研究区的环境状况呈恶化趋势;②环境质量显著恶化的区域主要分布于亚高山植被区和东部低海拔森林覆盖区,亚高山地区植被生态系统结构单一,稳定性差,对气候变化和人类活动更为敏感;而东部区域存在过度开发,非法砍伐森林等现象,且旅游开发强度大,环境恶化与人类活动密切相关。  相似文献   
对2018年8月秦皇岛风暴潮期间3个入海口岸基站及邻近海域浮标的监测数据进行分析,结果显示:风暴潮导致入海口水体中COD、总磷、总氮和氨氮含量均明显升高;风暴潮2 d之后,3个入海口邻近海域均发生赤潮,此次赤潮的发生与风暴潮导致陆源入海污染物骤然大幅升高有关。此次风暴潮导致秦皇岛人造河口、大蒲河口和七里海3个岸基监测站的COD监测日均值最高分别达到15.83 mg/L、8.70 mg/L和7.92 mg/L,约升高至前期的2倍、1.5倍和2倍;人造河口总氮变化不大,大蒲河口和七里海总氮升高30%左右;大蒲河口总磷变化不大,人造河口总磷为前期的3.5倍,升高幅度最大,七里海总磷为风暴潮之前两日的2倍,但未超过前一周的最高浓度;风暴潮当天及第二天,人造河口、大蒲河口、七里海氨氮日均值陆续达到最高,分别为2.34 mg/L、1.11 mg/L和0.12 mg/L,分别为风暴潮前两日的7倍、3.5倍和10倍。风暴潮过后,入海口临近海域发生赤潮,浮标监测到叶绿素a最高值为76.4μg/L,pH和溶解氧也大幅升高。分析表明,此次风暴潮导致的入海口污染物突然大幅升高为风暴潮之后的赤潮发生提供了充足的营养基础。  相似文献   
Active hydrogen maser is the main frequency standard for establishing and maintaining the time scale. It has the characteristics of high short-term stability and low phase noise. At present, it plays an increasingly important role in the international atomic time (TAI) and various local time scales. Firstly, in combination with the internal state parameters of an active hydrogen maser, the correlation between the internal state parameters and the comparison data of a hydrogen maser is analyzed, and a method for the performance monitoring of a hydrogen maser is proposed. Secondly, according to the characteristics of hydrogen maser performance, a method for evaluating the performance of a hydrogen maser is given. The hydrogen maser performance includes mainly two aspects, namely the frequency stability and predictability. The performances of two types of active hydrogen masers (CH1-75 and MHM-2010) are evaluated by this method. The correlation analysis of the atomic clock state parameters and comparison data shows that the state parameter monitoring can effectively predict the variation of the hydrogen maser performance. The evaluation results of atomic clock frequency stability and predictability show that the atomic clock with a higher medium-and-long term frequency stability has a better predictability. There are two methods for the predictability evaluation, one is based on the data published by BIPM (Bureau International des Poids et Measures), and another one is based on the quadratic model. Both methods are consistent with the weights published by BIPM. Therefore, the two methods can be used as a quantitative method to evaluate the predictability of a hydrogen maser.  相似文献   
在城镇化进程中,城市与近郊之间通过职住、货运、游憩等活动产生越来越紧密的交互联系,对于这些交互联系的准确识别和定量刻画,是理解城乡空间关系的重要手段,也能为城市的资源有效配置与合理规划提供重要的现状信息。本文通过对全北京在一日之内的手机信令数据所反映的人群移动轨迹的深入分析,融合城市的POI信息形成顾及人类活动时空信息的空间交互类型推断。以北京市为例,对城市中心与近郊之间远距离的强交互进行定性、定量和定位的探索。本文发现了北京市多尺度下空间交互模式和距离衰减规律,判断了城乡异常交互类型,对比了城乡之间和城市内部的交互模式的异同,以及基于交互类型视角提取了城乡异常交互的空间特征。研究认为,基于手机信令数据,利用停留点提取和高斯核密度估计的空间交互类型推断有效地发现了北京市周末的远距离出行类型特点,提取了其空间交互强度和空间特征,揭示了基于人类活动的北京市周末城乡交互模式。  相似文献   
对传统的向后-向前选择法粗差定位方法进行改进,即在原有基础上加入对平差模型的整体检验,计算统计量的相关系数,通过对偏相关系数的检验来定位统计量相关的粗差观测值。通过模拟粗差算例证明,该算法能够准确定位多维粗差,有效改善粗差定位转移的现象,且粗差估值结果比较可靠。  相似文献   
中国物理海洋学研究70年:发展历程、学术成就概览   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文概略评述新中国成立70年来物理海洋学各分支研究领域的发展历程和若干学术成就。中国物理海洋学研究起步于海浪、潮汐、近海环流与水团,以及以风暴潮为主的海洋气象灾害的研究。随着国力的增强,研究领域不断拓展,涌现了大量具有广泛影响力的研究成果,其中包括:提出了被国际广泛采用的“普遍风浪谱”和“涌浪谱”,发展了第三代海浪数值模式;提出了“准调和分析方法”和“潮汐潮流永久预报”等潮汐潮流的分析和预报方法;发现并命名了“棉兰老潜流”,揭示了东海黑潮的多核结构及其多尺度变异机理等,系统描述了太平洋西边界流系;提出了印度尼西亚贯穿流的南海分支(或称南海贯穿流);不断完善了中国近海陆架环流系统,在南海环流、黑潮及其分支、台湾暖流、闽浙沿岸流、黄海冷水团环流、黄海暖流、渤海环流,以及陆架波方面均取得了深刻的认识;从大气桥和海洋桥两个方面对太平洋–印度洋–大西洋洋际相互作用进行了系统的总结;发展了浅海水团的研究方法,基本摸清了中国近海水团的分布和消长特征与机制,在大洋和极地水团分布及运动研究方面也做出了重要贡献;阐明了南海中尺度涡的宏观特征和生成机制,揭示了中尺度涡的三维结构,定量评估了其全球物质与能量输运能力;基本摸清了中国近海海洋锋的空间分布和季节变化特征,提出了地形、正压不稳定和斜压不稳定等锋面动力学机制;构建了“南海内波潜标观测网”,实现了对内波生成–演变–消亡全过程机理的系统认识;发展了湍流的剪切不稳定理论,提出了海流“边缘不稳定”的概念,开发了海洋湍流模式,提出了湍流混合参数化的新方法等;在海洋内部混合机制和能量来源方面取得了新的认识,并阐述了混合对海洋深层环流、营养物质输运等过程的影响;研发了全球浪–潮–流耦合模式,推出一系列海洋与气候模式;发展了可同化主要海洋观测数据的海洋数据同化系统和用于ENSO预报的耦合同化系统;建立了达到国际水准的非地转(水槽/水池)和地转(旋转平台)物理模 型实验平台;发展了ENSO预报的误差分析方法,建立了海洋和气候系统年代际变化的理论体系,揭示了中深层海洋对全球气候变化的响应;初步建成了中国近海海洋观测网;持续开展南北极调查研究;建立了台风、风暴潮、巨浪和海啸的业务化预报系统,为中国气象减灾提供保障;突破了国外的海洋技术封锁,研发了万米水深的深水水听器和海洋光学特性系列测量仪器;建立了溢油、危险化学品漂移扩散等预测模型,为伴随海洋资源开发所带来的风险事故的应急处理和预警预报提供科学支撑。文中引用的大量学术成果文献(每位第一作者优选不超过3篇)显示,经过70年的发展,中国物理海洋学研究培养了一支实力雄厚的科研队伍,这是最宝贵的成果。这支队伍必将成为中国物理海洋学研究攀登新高峰的主力军。  相似文献   
研究尼日尔三角洲东部深水区块发现,整个盆地从陆向洋具有3个大的构造分区:伸展拉张区、过渡区和挤压逆冲区。伸展区以大型同沉积断层伴生大量滚动背斜构造为特征,过渡区发育大量泥底辟构造,挤压区以复杂的逆冲叠瓦构造为主。通过分析形成机理,揭示东部深水转换带上M研究区构造特征,按构造的演化特征将该区构造分为泥底辟型、冲断-泥底辟混合型、逆冲型3种类型,提出研究区内的圈闭主要以构造-岩性圈闭为主,为尼日尔三角洲盆地深水勘探提供新的理论指导。  相似文献   
As mineral exploration seeks deeper targets, there will be a greater reliance on geophysical data and a better understanding of the geological meaning of the responses will be required, and this must be achieved with less geological control from drilling. Also, exploring based on the mineral system concept requires particular understanding of geophysical responses associated with altered rocks. Where petrophysical datasets of adequate sample size and measurement quality are available, physical properties show complex variations, reflecting the combined effects of various geological processes. Large datasets, analysed as populations, are required to understand the variations. We recommend the display of petrophysical data as frequency histograms because the nature of the data distribution is easily seen with this form of display. A petrophysical dataset commonly contains a combination of overlapping sub-populations, influenced by different geological factors. To understand the geological controls on physical properties in hard rock environments, it is necessary to analyse the petrophysical data not only in terms of the properties of different rock types. It is also necessary to consider the effects of processes such as alteration, weathering, metamorphism and strain, and variables such as porosity and stratigraphy. To address this complexity requires that much more supporting geological information be acquired than in current practice. The widespread availability of field portable instruments means quantitative geochemical and mineralogical data can now be readily acquired, making it unnecessary to rely primarily on categorical rock classification schemes. The petrophysical data can be combined with geochemical, petrological and mineralogical data to derive explanations for observed physical property variations based not only on rigorous rock classification methods, but also in combination with quantitative estimates of alteration and weathering. To understand how geological processes will affect different physical properties, it is useful to define three end-member forms of behaviour. Bulk behaviour depends on the physical properties of the dominant mineral components. Density and, to a lesser extent, seismic velocity show such behaviour. Grain and texture behaviour occur when minor components of the rock are the dominate controls on its physical properties. Grain size and shape control grain properties, and for texture properties the relative positions of these grains are also important. Magnetic and electrical properties behave in this fashion. Thinking in terms of how geological processes change the key characteristics of the major and minor mineralogical components allows the resulting changes in physical properties to be understood and anticipated.  相似文献   
We present a new approach to enhancing weak prestack reflection signals without sacrificing higher frequencies. As a first step, we employ known multidimensional local stacking to obtain an approximate ‘model of the signal’. Guided by phase spectra from this model, we can detect very weak signals and make them visible and coherent by ‘repairing’ corrupted phase of original data. Both presented approaches – phase substitution and phase sign corrections – show good performance on complex synthetic and field data suffering from severe near-surface scattering where conventional processing methods are rendered ineffective. The methods are mathematically formulated as a special case of time-frequency masking (common in speech processing) combined with the signal model from local stacking. This powerful combination opens the avenue for a completely new family of approaches for multi-channel seismic processing that can address seismic processing of land data with nodes and single sensors in the desert environment.  相似文献   
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